We’re all carrying an accumulated emotional burden. These emotions drain our energy. If our emotions take too much energy or are too negative, depression results...
Author - Andrew Tener
Andrew Tener is the author of How To Feel Better. Andrew grew up in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Stanford University with a degree in Decision Science, he spent time in the business world. He witnessed just how much emotions guide the behavior of companies and corporate leadership.
A prime example of how our emotions linger in our background is stress. Stress plays a large part in the modern lifestyle. The mantra “work hard, play hard”...
Humans are extremely adaptive. If we encounter a new circumstance, we find a way to cope with it. When the circumstance doesn’t change, the mind says, “Hey...
We all have many emotions every moment. With decades of life experience, we’ve got dozens or hundreds of feeling-memory associations. Our emotions are constantly...
The mind uses up a lot of energy. Every thought you have taxes your mind a little bit. Emotions are very powerful, repetitive thoughts. An emotion keeps telling you to...
2.1 When You Walk Through an Emotional Memory, You Can Correct the Painful Assumptions You’re Making. This Releases the Emotion.
You can actively change your emotions to feel better. Below, I will outline how. For beginners, I recommend using a pen and paper to write down the description of the...
2. Emotions Can Change. You Can Learn To Change or Release Your Emotions. When a Negative Emotion Is Released, You’ll Feel Better.
This guide is about feeling better. In order to feel “better” whatever you currently feel has to improve. The real magic in this guide is contained in these...
We’ve seen that emotions can be inaccurate for a couple different reasons. Reactions to the past, emotions based on incorrect assumptions, and conflicting emotions...
Perhaps the most frustrating part of having emotions is that emotions can conflict with each other. At best, conflicting emotions add to the complexity of human...
Emotions are reactions to the past. It’s what they are. This means they may not always be appropriate. Fortunately, emotions being reactions to the past...