About Andrew

Andrew Tener grew up in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Stanford University with a degree in Decision Science, he spent time in the business world. He witnessed just how much emotions guide the behavior of companies and corporate leadership.

Throughout his childhood, Andrew noticed the suffering others held but did not understand why they were hurting. He studied his own emotions to discover the simple truth that emotions have causes and purposes. From there, he was able to understand and bring peace to specific emotions. During his own battle with depression, he finally grasped his Four Insights to Happiness:

  1. Emotions are not always accurate.
  2. Emotions can change. You can learn to change your emotions.
  3. You actually have emotions all the time.
  4. By improving the emotions you have all the time, you can feel better all the time.

With these simple insights, the path to happiness was clear. His mood and  life improved.

Andrew’s goal now is to see emotional education become part of every school system. Emotions are so important in our lives, but we currently fail to discuss the true nature of emotions. The Four Insights are simple. Anyone can become happier by just understanding and listening to their emotions. If everyone were a little happier, the world would be a much better place.

Andrew is the author of How To Feel Better.

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