We all hold worn-out, negative emotions in our emotional base state. Whether it’s a latent anger from growing up or low self-worth from being bullied, these constant negative feelings hold us back from living the life we want to live.

Our base state emotions really feel like a part of us. We commonly mistake them for our personality. Is a person really inherently “shy” or are they scared of people? Is this person noncommittal or are they afraid of deep relationships due to a past heartbreak?

Many of our behaviors aren’t driven by who we are. In these cases, our behaviors are driven by how we feel. We just fail to notice how we feel.

This makes it very hard to change our lives. We try to fight through our emotions instead of acknowledging and understanding our emotions.

If you can identify and work through the memories causing the emotions in your base state, you can drastically change your life and your personality.

By improving your base state, you can stop trying to swim against the current and instead coast with the flow.

Look at the emotions in your base state. Do they prevent you from being who you want to be?

If so, apply the techniques on this site to release the negative emotions. Your life will transform. You will feel radically better. You will be radically more authentic once those emotions are no longer dictating your behavior.

You will also benefit from reclaiming the energy the emotions were using.

Andrew Tener

Andrew Tener

Andrew Tener is the author of How To Feel Better. Andrew grew up in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Stanford University with a degree in Decision Science, he spent time in the business world. He witnessed just how much emotions guide the behavior of companies and corporate leadership.

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