We all have many emotions at every moment in our lives. The emotions we feel by default I call the Emotional Base State or “base state” for short.
Having the concept of what “normal” is for you will give you something to benchmark against as you begin to feel better.
Now, when you let go of a negative emotion, you will experience the relief associated with Catharsis. You will feel lighter and more energized. After a day or two, you get used to feeling better, and your base state will have been improved.
I’m sure you have a friend with limitless energy, who is able to accept the highs and lows in their life with a smile. These positive, peaceful people have healthy emotional base states.
You, too, can enjoy the benefits of a healthy base state. The trick is to learn how to feel your base state. At that point, you can examine and improve the emotions you feel all the time.