You can feel better. No matter who you are or what your life is like, your emotions can improve.

You might as well feel great all the time because you deserve a wonderful life.

How to feel better can be expressed through 4 surprising, but simple insights:

  1. Your emotions aren’t always accurate.
  2. Emotions can change. You can learn to change your emotions.
  3. You have emotions all the time.
  4. Improving the emotions you have all the time will make you feel better all the time.

This website will guide you through each insight step by step. Once you understand the insights and how to practice them, you can rapidly feel better. Whether you want to go from sad to happy or from feeling good to feeling great, you will have the power to do so.

Follow along with this guide to intuitively understand how to feel better:

  1. Your emotions aren’t always accurate. Inaccurate emotions may not be useful.
    1. Overreactions are prime examples of inaccurate emotions.
    2. Emotions are reactions to the past.
    3. Emotions may use incorrect assumptions.
    4. Emotions may conflict with each other.
    5. Find the memory and assumptions behind an emotion to tell if it is good for you.
  2. Emotions can change. You can learn to change or release your emotions. When a negative emotion is released, you’ll feel better.
    1. When you walk through an emotional memory, you can correct the painful assumptions you’re making. This releases the emotion.
    2. Emotions take up energy. Releasing an emotion gives you energy.
  3. You have emotions all the time. We just stop noticing the emotions because we are so used to them.
    1. You stop noticing emotions that stick around for a while.
    2. Stress is a great example of a lingering emotion. It manifests in physical tension, hence the term “tightly wound.”
    3. The emotions you have all the time are constantly taking up your energy.
    4. I call the emotions we have all the time the emotional base state.
  4. Improving the emotions you have all the time will make you feel better all the time.
    1. You will be free of the negative burdens you once had.
    2. You will have more energy all the time if you release your negative emotions. You can feel like a kid again.
    3. You will attract more positive emotions when you feel better. The mind attracts similar memories.


Once you grasp each insight, you are ready to move to the techniques page. I’ve collected all the best techniques into one emotional toolkit. Each will show you how to feel better quickly.


Andrew Tener

Andrew Tener

Andrew Tener is the author of How To Feel Better. Andrew grew up in Washington, D.C. After graduating from Stanford University with a degree in Decision Science, he spent time in the business world. He witnessed just how much emotions guide the behavior of companies and corporate leadership.

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